Research & Training

Types of Programs

Research Activities Focused on Increasing Knowledge Base in Addiction, HIV and Emotional Distress

Tripta Foundation is poised to be at the cutting edge of research and innovation in mental health and addiction studies. The research team strives to conduct research that moves the needle on public policy and helps us further improve our own therapy and treatment programs.

Comprised of experienced professionals and academics, the research team collaborates with institutions, academics, and organizations to collect, analyze and share data that ultimately helps the individual client and the greater community. Research is an ongoing activity- we use data-driven processes to ensure the best possible service and care.

Research Activities Focused on Optimizing Tripta Programs

We at Tripta Foundation are in a state of continuous improvement. The Continuous Improvement Cycle (CIC) is applied to all our processes, workflows, and treatment programs so that we learn as we work and apply the learnings to further improve the quality of service.

Creating and Conducting Training Programs to Build Capacity in the Field of Mental Health and Wellness

The recent pandemic has brought to the forefront what professionals in the field of mental health and addiction always talked about—the enormous gap between demand and availability of quality services in the sector. Tripta Foundation, through its training division, will work at providing quality training to individuals and organizations working in these fields. These training programs will be designed by experienced professionals, field workers, and academics and will feature the latest research and innovations available.

The training programs will cater to the teams within Tripta Foundation as part of the CAUTA cycles and also as a way for individual employees to upgrade their own knowledge and skillsets. Training programs will be delivered through multiple media (online, offline, and hybrid) so as to reach a larger group with greater access.

Online Counseling

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